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Making AQUA Great Again

Making AQUA Great Again

We’re excited to reveal an exciting refresh of the AQUA brand that you know and love. We have a new logo, domain name, website, and a new AQUA app update (0.2.5) with many UI improvements!

You may notice that the droplet in the upside-down diamond is now separate from the AQUA text. The change makes it more clear that the name is “AQUA” and not “QUA” - which some people did think it was. We’ve also updated our color palette with two new colors which will be featured prominently moving forward: AQUA Sky Blue and AQUA Dark Blue. All of this is to make our brand more easily recognizable, while keeping the water motif which has been central to the AQUA identity.

Introducing AQUA Dark Blue and AQUA Sky Blue

We have a cool new domain as well: www.aqua.net! We’ve migrated everything from the old aquawallet.io site but will still keep it as a redirect. AQUA.net also paves the way for Lightning Address support within AQUA. You’ll be able to receive sats at yourname@aqua.net very soon.

With the brand refresh and new domain, we thought we might as well change the AQUA website too and have updated the layout, content, and colors. There are a few new additional pages that we’re working on such as a breakdown of fees for swaps, and more detailed information about AQUA features. Expect more updates to the website in the next few weeks.

AQUA 0.2.5

Aesthetically, update 0.2.5 packs in several changes to the UI that are meant to make the AQUA Wallet interface more approachable to Bitcoin beginners, and overall, a more enjoyable experience for hardcore users and fans. Most notably, those already familiar with AQUA will notice the app’s home screen has been refined, while keeping its most distinguishing features, such as the Bitcoin price ticker that our users love so much.

AQUA Brand Refresh

With the brand refresh we still have a lot more work to do for many screens and we will be rolling that out in the next updates, alongside many UX improvements. Our focus for the last few months has been on refactoring core parts of AQUA such as the swap and send flows to make them more scalable and modular.

In terms of features, AQUA 0.2.5 adds watch-only wallet support for Bitcoin and Liquid and many bug fixes to improve and stabilize Lightning sends. Since the big AQUA 0.2.0 update in August, we’ve added a lot of great features and here’s a list of the highlights.

  • Native Tether USDt support: fees for L-BTC and USDt transactions can be paid with USDt balance.
  • Taproot Swaps: failed Lightning payments can now be refunded instantly.
  • Replace-by-fee (RBF): unconfirmed on-chain Bitcoin transactions can now be sped up with a new one that has a higher fee amount.
  • Direct Peg-ins: users can swap straight into Layer 2 Bitcoin from an external Bitcoin wallet by turning on this feature in “Advanced settings” on the Settings screen.


We have a lot of big updates for the next AQUA release: Delta. Delta will have more USDt swaps and with lower fees, LNURL Withdraw, push notifications, and something many users have been asking for, more fiat currencies to make sending and receiving globally even easier. We’ll try to have sub accounts, Lightning Addresses, and sending to BOLT12 included in Delta as well.

As Bitcoin apps are still at risk to be targeted by Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store, the JAN3 team will also be bringing AQUA to F-Droid in order to avoid potential censorship issues in the future.

We’ve been overwhelmed with the positive reception AQUA has garnered since its launch on January 3rd this year. Over the coming months, we’ll continue to work on new integrations, UI/UX improvements, and focused onboarding efforts in select locations to bring financial freedom to more people all over the world.

Our philosophy continues to be the same: to bridge the gap between Bitcoin and traditional financial services by giving people features they can use on a daily basis. More than a Bitcoin wallet, AQUA’s goal is to position itself as the best and most convenient option for both newcomers and enthusiasts.

Download AQUA today and swim with the dolphins!