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Montenegro's Prime Minister Milojko Spajić meets JAN3 Executive Team to discuss Bitcoin opportunities
Dec 13, 2023

Montenegro's Prime Minister Milojko Spajić meets JAN3 Executive Team to discuss Bitcoin opportunities

In a groundbreaking encounter earlier this year, Samson Mow, Chief Executive Officer, Prince Filip Karađorđević, Chief Strategy Officer, and Ben Van Hool, Chief Operating Officer at JAN3 convened with Prime Minister Milojko Spajić of Montenegro. The rendezvous unfolded into a riveting discourse on various economic fronts, with a particular focus on the potential integration of Bitcoin in Montenegro's financial landscape.

Montenegro Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, Prince Filip of Serbia and JAN3 CEO Samson Mow talking at meeting table
From left: Montenegro Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, Prince Filip of Serbia, and Samson Mow

Prime Minister Spajić's Financial Acumen

At the heart of the meeting was Prime Minister Spajić's impressive financial acumen, stemming from his background as a former venture capitalist and Goldman Sachs professional. His command over economic intricacies paved the way for a multifaceted discussion that delved into diverse topics, including Bitcoin and its potential impact on Montenegro.

Bitcoin Bonds and Hydro Bonds

One of the pivotal points of discussion revolved around the concept of Bitcoin Bonds, tailored to Montenegro's unique circumstances. In this context, the Prime Minister highlighted the abundance of rivers in the country, emphasizing a hydroelectric potential estimated at 5.6–6.1 TWh annually. Astonishingly, Montenegro currently utilizes less than 20% of this potential. The idea of issuing Hydro Bonds linked to Bitcoin mining showcased the innovative thinking that could unlock new avenues for economic growth.

Crypto Regulation and Central Bank Considerations

The meeting also delved into the legal frameworks surrounding crypto regulation, a crucial aspect as nations globally grapple with the evolving digital landscape. Prime Minister Spajić engaged in a thoughtful exploration of the suitability of holding Bitcoin in the central bank versus other government institutions, a consideration that could shape Montenegro's approach to crypto asset holdings in the future.

Bitcoin Community Development and Technology Conferences

In a bid to foster a vibrant Bitcoin community within Montenegro, the discussion extended to the concept of incentivizing grassroots community development like Bitcoin Beach or Bitcoin Jungle. Additionally, hosting Bitcoin technology conferences emerged as a potential avenue to not only bolster local interest but also position Montenegro as a hub for technological innovation within the Bitcoin sphere.

Prime Minister Spajić: A Dynamic Leader Embracing Change

The meeting revealed Prime Minister Spajić as a young, dynamic leader who is not only receptive to change but actively seeks opportunities for his nation and its citizens. His enthusiasm and knowledge of Bitcoin underscore the potential for Montenegro to emerge as a forward-thinking player in the Bitcoin landscape.

Promising Outlook and Future Engagements

Described as a highly productive encounter, the parties expressed their intent to continue the dialogue in the near future. With Montenegro boasting the distinction of having the third youngest serving state leader in the world, the nation sends a clear message – it is open for business, and it is open to embracing the transformative possibilities that Bitcoin presents.

As Montenegro explores the integration of Bitcoin into its economic fabric, the meeting between Samson Mow, Prince Philip, Ben Van Hool and Prime Minister Spajić marks a pivotal moment. The discussions showcase the potential for innovative financial solutions, sustainable energy practices, and a thriving Bitcoin community that could redefine Montenegro's economic landscape in the years to come.